
Integrate Push Notifications Easily

Get in the flow with Push Flow - your one-stop destination for seamless push notification integration! Say goodbye to the hassle of managing technical complexities, infrastructure setup, and monitoring of your notification system. Save precious time and money by tapping into our services

How It Works?

How it works?


Meteo App

A web app which aggregating meteorological data. The data is stored in MySQL database.

  • Notify user based on the meteo data 🌦
  • Custom rules, tailored to user's needs 👨
  • No need to run complex infrastructure 🖥️
  • Integrated in hours not days 🚀
“Thank to we were able to integrate push notification quickly. Adding a new push pipeline via the Flow Editor is very easy. The notification template editor is quite handy”
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low code

Low Code

Push Notifications up and running in hours. No expertise needed, we've got you covered

real time

Real Time Notifications

No delays, no batches. Your flow can handle 1000s of events per second

save time & money

Save time & money

Focus on the business logic. We handle infrastructure, pipelines and monitoring for you

reliable solution

Reliable solution

Avoid common problems like duplicate notifications, not push notifications


In addition to our Push Flow product we offer our expertize in integrating push notification system. Don't hesitate to contact us!

  • Consulting
  • Architecture
  • Custom solution
  • Monitoring
  • Implementation